MixMarvel Foundation states that reported in December 2018, the MixMarvel operation team will launch a comprehensive construction of the decentralized community admin program.

In December 2018, MixMarvel launched the decentralized community admin program, Recruiting admins globally to manage MixMarvel community.

Admins actively involved in MixMarvel communities and social channels, helping users to fully understand the MixMarvel project, play MixMarvel games and participate in MixMarvel activities.

The MixMarvel Foundation very much agrees with MixMarvel’s construction of decentralized admin program. Admins who come from different countries will contribute different voices to MixMarvel that will help MixMarvel improve.

The MixMarvel Foundation has a 960,000 overall back-up funding support for the Admin Program. This is a long-term program and MixMarvel has monthly budget on this program. The funding includes activity costs to market the program, event costs, admin rewards and other administrative costs.