MixMarvel Foundation states that reported in April 2019, the MixMarvel will collaborate with OnBuff; both parties will co-construct the according blockchain game ecosystem.
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MixMarvel Held Media Conference in Korea
Global Expansion
The MixMarvel Foundation was informed that on April 30, 2019, MixMarvel held a conference in Korea.
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MixMarvel New Group Airdrop
User Relationship Management
MixMarvel Foundation states that reported in May 2019, the MixMarvel operation team launched a specific airdrop event for the MixMarvel New Group.
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MixMarvel collaborated with KMGA and KBCCA
MixMarvel Foundation states that reported in April 2019, the MixMarvel will collaborate with KMGA (Korea Blockchain Content Association) and KBCCA (Korea Mobile Game Association).
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MixMarvel Assists Contentos Global Roadshow as the first show in Vietnam
Global Expansion
The MixMarvel Foundation was informed that on April 20, 2019, MixMarvel had its first roadshow in Vietnam.
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